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Fintech Design Service

Finance professionals propelled through state-of-the-art software experiences

Serving SaaS platforms and products geared towards finance professionals including investment platforms, modelling platforms & accounting software

Fintech design challenges

Signs your product needs our help

Key workflows are much harder than they need to be

Work-arounds are prevalent in how people use your software

The UI doesn't reflect the sophistication of back-end data and technology

Expected behaviour in high stakes situations is unclear, leading to errors

Integrating AI into your product feels slow and difficult

Terminology confuses users and hinders their progress

Mini Case Studies

Recent projects with fintech companies

Mobile payment for construction contracts

A lot of complex steps are involved in B2B money transfer, particularly in the construction industry where materials and contracts dealt with large sums. The company was stuck on iteration and P&P was brought in to work on the flow.
The mobile experience was optimized for users on the go, with emphasis on clarity and transparency in order to maintain the level of trust needed for large funds being transferred.

Managing mortgage broker's workflow

The workflow of mortgage broker was tedious and cumbersome. Documents were spread across a variety of emails, and timelines and dependencies weren’t clear or easy to reference. The process of gathering what was needed and moving forward needed UX optimization.
A streamlined experience that exposed information at the right times so that the broker and client have more clarity on the process and what's coming up next.
Real Estate

User-specific dashboards

A real estate company with a large dataset didn’t know the ROI on their marketing spend across platforms. The sales team was not empowered to use data to make decisions due to fragmentation of reporting across marketing and advertising systems.
Custom dashboard experiences lead to members of the team to measure effectiveness of their part of the sales pipeline.
Real Estate
Data Dashboard
Large Datasets
Enterprise ux data dashboard examples
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ROI of UX for fintech

What’s the upside to a UX design investment?

We see some product growth challenges in enterprise products across the board. Many products rely heavily on their sales people to get contracts through the door, but experience serious churn then renewal comes up. This is often because few users have actually adopted the software internally, either because the learning curve is unmanageable or the functionality is just a bit “off”, not quite suited to user needs or cumbersome to actually use.

So, when analyzing what your ROI of UX looks like, you can look at it through a few lenses:

  • Opportunity cost: Are you leaving money on the table even though you’re uniquely positioned to provide specific kinds of value to existing and new customers? Is your inaction around design improvements losing you money every quarter?
  • Differentiation and relevance: Are leaner, more agile FinTech companies moving faster and focusing on niches which you might be missing out on? Are there uncharted territories of tech that you know you can be first on?
  • Development costs: Design debt and tech debt can often go together. When design and requirements aren’t super clear, this often leads to a lot of indecision on software teams and cumbersome decision-making processes around features. Developing software is not a cheap endevour - expert UX help can save a ton of time on debates and UX “bugs” being filed.

Fintech Design Opportunities

Finance is complex, even for trained professionals. A great UX can help:

Enhance efficiency

Reducing manual effort around analysis or workflows

Provide great interactions

Reinforce high-stakes decisions and provide guardrails where necessary

Improve clarity of information

Explain the underlying data more clearly, aiding decision-making

Identify relevant features

Automate processes which have been historically manual

"I recommend them highly to any fintech or startup looking for user focused design and would use their services again without hesitation."
dan b
Daniel Barton, Co-founder, COO of Billi Labs
“Their ability to quickly get up to speed, understand things so clearly from a user perspective and rapidly iterate ideas makes for a collaborative environment that always results in a better product than we originally anticipated. ”
alex leduc
Alex Leduc, CEO of Perch

Fintech Companies we work with

Finance products are diverse

Whether you’re looking to eliminate bad UX or enhance your UX culture, we’ve got you sorted.

Investment platforms

Risk management platforms

Accounting software tools

Modeling platforms

Portfolio management tools

Banking software

Get our whitepaper

Is your software demo turning heads, or causing headaches?

Applying the right design principles to your demo can create excitement and engage your audiences more effectively. We put together this whitepaper to help you inject some UX love into your product—we cover common mistakes, what a makes a demo successful, and more!

Check it out


Rule out risks and reservations

Enterprise design is no joke, you need to know you’re working with the crew that can get it done.

How quickly can you onboard to a complicated data situation?

We have processes in place which modify the typical UX design process and allow us to gather relevant information and start diving deep. One such process is our “data context mapping” workshop, where we derive the data details from your data SME, learning the structure, quirks, size, and nature of the underlying data. This is part of an onboarding process which lasts typically 2-4 weeks

In what capacity does your team work?

We act as a plug and play design team for a range of situations. From teams who have never integrated any kind of UX design resource, to supplementing and collaborating with existing design teams. Depending on your needs, we can take the lead on new ideas, or support the team you have in place. We shine when it comes to collaboration and integrating quickly in teams. See our article about product management and design collaboration for example

Is there anything in the scope of design you don’t do?

We do the full scope of UX/UI design for software in the enterprise arena. This includes “zooming out” and formulating logic around the whole flow, to wireframing (mapping out screens) and producing realistic prototypes. UX/UI design however does not extend to branding or marketing, so we will happily refer you to wonderful teams we know.

When should a UX team be brought into a new project?

Our team gets brought into projects across the spectrum of stages. Sometimes we’ll work with a single visionary to establish direction and then grow with the team. Other times, development will be underway and there’s a more urgent context to the work. Ideally we’re brought in earlier rather than later.

Do I need to do a huge UX project to move the needle?

We’ve had great success making relatively small UX improvements to software which have significantly improved the usability and flow of products (and it doesn’t always need to be fancy UI or animations either). We believe that incremental improvement to your product and development process can make a huge difference. Often this is accompanied with longer-term work that sets a vision for the future. Both of these approaches work hand in hand to improve your product.

How do I “sell UX” to my superiors?

Your business case and ROI calculation around UX investment may come down to several different factors that relate to the specifics of your business. A very common situation we see is the development team spending a lot of time trying to make design decisions, this cost savings might be a useful initial lens to apply. If you’re in a particularly competitive field, where your enterprise product is starting to lag behind in a scary way, you may want to apply the lens of opportunity cost. Many of our clients have used design concept work to de-risk development efforts and secure interest for large opportunities. Regardless of the approach you have, please leverage our resource “How to calculate the ROI of UX” as a guide and inspiration for you and your team.


Ready to have a conversation?

Get in touch with our crew to find out how our expertise in UX can elevate your product.

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