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Enterprise UX Portfolio Review

Get personalized feedback from someone with experience hiring in this niche industry

As a designer who’s working in enterprise UX and has also spent years on the hiring side of things, Meganne Ohata can help you unblock and elevate your portfolio

Get your review for $199 USD

20 min

Video Review



Meganne, Reviewer

The Entrprise Niche

What does an enterprise design portfolio even look like? 👀

Enterprise UX can be an enigmatic mystery compared to the more popular branches of the design world. While working on your portfolio, you might be wondering:

  • How do I tell a persuasive story, especially if much of the design work is not very visually appealing?
  • What can I do to best showcase the intricate design considerations of this complex product I worked on?
  • How do I present a strong case study when the reality is so much messier? I designed around very specific constraints, unusual data parameters, legacy considerations and shaky design priorities
  • If I only have 1 hour a day to work on this, where should I apply my efforts?
  • My portfolio looks like no other design portfolios I see out there—am I even going in the right direction?!

If these sound familiar, rest assured that you are not alone! Even better, these are exactly the type of things I dive into while reviewing your portfolio.

The Feedback

Beyond typography, branding and white space

When you’re applying to an enterprise position, the hiring eyeballs that land on your work need to assess based on the what’s important to them—and that goes beyond the basic visual feedback that most design reviews critique on.

Whether you feel like your portfolio is 50% or 98.5% of the way there, my feedback will be tailored to your particular stage and what you can do next to move forward. I’ll be absorbing your work through the enterprise lens, and this means I’ll be sharing my thoughts and input on:

  • Data and constraint framing
  • Your documentation strategies and impact
  • The logic between error and edge case behaviour
  • User familiarity and onboarding for complexity
  • ...and more!

Enterprise can be messy but sorting through that and organizing it into something usable and powerful is a beautiful thing—and your portfolio should reflect that!

The Timing

A portfolio is never done, so when is a good time to get a review?

When you want to gauge your portfolio impact

Hear how your portfolio gets received from someone who has experience in enterprise, and hiring within it

When you're stuck and going in circles

Don’t spend the next dozen hours mindlessly moving things back and forth—invest in some clarity and get direction on your strategy

When you're struggling to tell a cohesive story

If you feel that your case study isn’t being laid out in an impactful way that showcases your skills, then it’s a good time to get feedback

When you have limited time for iterating

The review will surface a ton of feedback and ideas so that you can target your time and efforts more efficiently, effectively, and impactfully

The Promise

Walk away with clarity, direction and tangible next steps

This advanced, custom review will go beyond surface-level visual feedback. You'll get nuanced input that will empower you to optimize your strategy and take your portfolio to the next level.

This review will unlock:

  • An understanding of your strengths and weaknesses from a hiring perspective
  • New ideas and strategies for showcasing complexity
  • Clarity on where to best spend your time and effort
  • Insight on how effective your case studies are and actionable feedback to increase impact

The Format

Personalized, private, and downloadable

I’ll dive into your portfolio in a recorded video that you’ll be able to access with subtitles and transcripts via Loom. It’ll be downloadable too, so you can watch it offline if needed. In the video, I’ll navigate your work and talk out loud about my impressions, thoughts and questions from the enterprise hiring lens, and include suggestions about where you can improve your impact. I’ll also reflect on the strengths and weaknesses, including evidence of critical thinking and how different enterprise situations can be better highlighted.


Unsure if this is right for you?

Portfolio building is a very personal and complex journey full of nuance, and this review is ready to meet you where you are to help you move forward.

How important is a UX portfolio for enterprise?

It might be tempting to think you don't need a portfolio to showcase a bunch of flow maps, documentation and data considerations—aren't portfolios best suited for branding and visual design anyway? Unfortunately, the answer is if you're applying to an enterprise design position, you won't be able to get away with only a resume. Read more about what we have to say about enterprise portfolios in this article.

Does my portfolio need to be fully finished?

Not at all! I can look at semi-finished portfolios and provide feedback and input to unblock next steps. I can also look at your old portfolio if you're considering a major revamp but don't know where to start. In fact, part of the intake form for this service asks about your portfolio’s stage of development, what your goals are, and whether there’s anything specific you like to hear about as part of the review.

Does it need to be a live website?

No, you can send me the portfolio in the format that works for you—whether that’s an online website, a PDF, Notion, or google slides, I’ll make it work. Just make sure that if it’s password protected, you include the password too!

How does it work?

After purchasing the portfolio review, an intake form will be sent to your email to gather your primary goals, concerns, and of course your portfolio link! Make sure to include your password if it's protected. A 20 minute video review will be recorded, and the link to view and download it will be sent to you once it's ready.

When can I expect a video review?

The current wait time to get a review is within 3-5 days after you submit your portfolio details. I want to ensure that there’s time to properly absorb and reflect, particularly since enterprise designs often come with complexity and nuance.

What format will I get the review in?

I’ll record my response using Loom video recording, and you’ll get the link emailed to you. You’ll be able to download the video, and will also have access to the transcript and subtitles.

How much will it cost?

The review will be $199 USD, with a money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied in any way.

Sign up for a portfolio review

Make the leap and invest in your portfolio. Enterprise UX is such a niche industry full of well-guarded secrets and strategies, but knowledge sharing and information exchange from an expert eye who's already evaluated countless industry portfolios is how you can take your work further.

Get your review for $199 USD
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