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UX Team Training

The unsung power of UX

UX is one of the most powerful (and often overlooked) places to focus your attention when you want to level-up your product team and boost revenue.

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intro to ux

Who‘s It for

Product teams – who need to get on the same page about UX
Startup teams – who are bootstrapping their UX design
Anyone making UX Decisions – who are relying on their ‘gut’ to make decisions

Difficulty Level

Beginner to intermediate


Experience working on product
Industry-Relevant Skills Training
Real-world case studies
6 sessions (10 mins each)
1 hours video content

6 Signs that your software product
is struggling with UX errors:

team arguments

Team Arguments

Your team regularly argues about product decisions, and can’t seem to get on the same page
endless iteration

Endless Iteration

You have unused features, or you keep changing the same feature over and over again
support themes

Support Themes

Your customer service team gets a ton of support tickets on re-occurring themes

‘Off The Cuff’ Decisions

You find yourself basing high-stakes decisions on assumptions and opinions, because you don’t have enough information about your user
drop off rates

High Drop-off Rates

Users buy your product but they don’t use it often (if at all)
reactive design

Reactive Design

You are trying to solve product problems with a complex web of ‘work arounds’ (*ahem* feature creep)
product pride

Low Levels of Product Pride

You sense a general dissatisfaction among your users and teams, and deep down you know that your product isn’t as awesome as it should be
user centric approach

User-Centric Approach

ux design process
User Experience Design isn’t just about making things look nice, it’s about adopting a user-centric approach in everything that you do, so that you can:
  • Streamline the way your teams work together
  • Increase user satisfaction and retention
  • Reduce support tickets and churn rates
  • Lower development costs and increase revenue
  • And have more fun (and more confidence) building things

Some brands using our resources

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intro to ux
Introduction to
User Experience

Introduction to Enterprise UX

Learn high-impact UX techniques that you can start using in your workflow right away.

$75 USD

What You Get

Our Introduction to UX course is short, sweet and to the point—but it will also give you a more sophisticated understanding of what professional quality UX looks like in action, so that your team can start making powerful user-focused decisions, right away.
  • Develop a pro-level understanding of what UX really is and how to implement it in your workflows
  • Learn high-impact techniques that you can start using right away
  • Understand your priorities and make powerful UX informed decisions
  • Teach your team how to apply workflow routines for enhanced efficiently and better outcomes
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